
Recipe for Wheat Germ Tagliatelle

la ricetta delle tagliatelle al germe di grano

With the arrival of the first tasty spring vegetables, what could be more satisfying or healthy than an excellent plate of fresh pasta?

We offer you a twist on traditional tagliatelle made with Wheat Germ, notoriously rich in fibre and with a high nutritional value. This precious part of the grain lends itself to numerous applications thanks to its versatility and delicate taste.




    1. Mix the flour and the Wheat Germ with the eggs until you get a perfectly smooth mixture. Leave to rest for at least 30 minutes wrapped in plastic wrap;
    2. Dust the pasta with flour and roll out to a thickness of less than 1mm. Cut into 1 cm wide strips;
    3. Cook the tagliatelle in boiling salted water for 3-4 minutes;
    4. Drain the pasta and season to taste.

Our seasonal tip? Enrich the tagliatelle with stir-fried asparagus tips for a natural injection of phosphorus and antioxidants!


Want to make this recipe?

You can make a Wheat Germ Tagliatelle with Granaio Italiano type “00” Fresh Pasta Flour and GranEssere Wheat Germ from our online shop.

Are you a fresh pasta professional?

Contact us to find out more about our flours and to request a sample.